If your loved one has had an injury or illness requiring hospitalization, their doctor will likely recommend physical therapy to speed their recovery. A well-designed physical therapy plan boosts mobility and strengthens muscles, two important ingredients in any recovery program. Our trained physical therapists can provide this treatment right in the comfort of home. As your loved one grows in strength and flexibility, daily tasks will become easier, resulting in a more active and independent lifestyle.
Physical therapy is recommended in a wide variety of situations, including:
- Injuries sustained in a fall or other accident
- Regaining strength after a hospital stay
- Stroke
- Chronic pain
- Recovery from surgery
- Trouble with mobility – such as rising from a chair or walking
- Balance and coordination issues
- Parkinson’s disease
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Other conditions impairing physical function
Physical therapy can even play a role in preventing some of these conditions. For example, a trained physical therapist can teach seniors of all abilities how to exercise safely. An exercise plan may include anything from exercises designed to be done in bed to a weight-lifting routine and daily walks. Seniors that get regular exercise are both less likely to fall and less likely to suffer from severe arthritis symptoms. So you needn’t wait for a problem or issue to arise for your loved one to benefit from our physical therapy services!
Just as no two patients are alike, no two physical therapy plans will be exactly alike. Our experienced physical therapists will meet your loved one right where they are with a personalized plan based on their unique needs.
We provide a wide variety of in-home physical therapy services, including:
- Safe and effective exercise plan
- Pain management
- Balance training
- Gait training
- Bed mobility training
- Caregiver training with proper lifting, transfer, and exercising techniques
- Fall prevention education
- Energy conservation and breathing techniques
- Use of therapeutic ultrasound as needed
- Learning to use a walker, cane, or wheelchair
Many patients recover more quickly in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. Being home is simply less stressful than being in a hospital or nursing home. And lower stress levels mean greater ability to focus on the treatment plan, maximizing its benefits. Families also find our in-home services less stressful, since there is no need to arrange transportation or make special arrangements for care. Family and friends are encouraged to participate each step of the way and to be as involved as they like. In-home physical therapy is an effective and convenient way to support your loved one’s recovery process.